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6 Thing’s I’m Grateful For

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  • Reading time:9 mins read

I’m going to be honest with you… I’m not good at practicing gratitude. I know it’s healthy for us to be in that habit of being grateful, but I have yet to master this ability.

And it’s not that I can’t find anything to be grateful for; it’s just that I’ve been accustomed to bad things happening frequently. As they say, “If it’s not one thing, it’s another.” 

In the past, when I tried to express gratitude to God, the very thing I mentioned would start messing up. This occurred so often that I don’t dwell on anything good because I fear it will be ruined. 

[I kid you not; just as I drafted this post, I took a nap and ended up having the worst nightmares.] 

Nevertheless, I won’t let this detour me from practicing gratitude.

So, I present to you…

Six things I’m grateful for:


Night life cityBeing Born In This Era

Everyone has an era of history they think fondly over. Maybe it’s the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s — or further back. 

As for me, I am very grateful to have been born in this era. Every year, there’s something new! And in these times, more people have the opportunity to achieve their dreams.

We have fast transportation that allows us to experience a different side of the world. Also, the internet bridges the gap between cultures that were once profoundly at odds. And technology takes care of mundane work and gives us more time in our day. Most importantly, there’s more sympathy/empathy than ever before. People are reevaluating their biases/beliefs and making strides to be more inclusive, kind and loving

What a time to be alive!



Young people on couchGlad To Be In Gen Z

Over the years, there’s been an uptick of hate towards my generation. I admit sometimes, it’s warranted. But the majority of the time, it isn’t. Nevertheless, I am proud to be a part of Gen Z!

We are very unique and that scares people. And that’s a good thing. It shows that we aren’t trying to follow in their footsteps but rather pave our own path. The majority of us want a future beyond the paradigm our ancestors have known. It’s only a matter of time until we make substantial changes in the world. 



Pride in rainbow, grateful to be gayMy Sexuality (LGBTQ)

Now this one took awhile to be grateful for. When I was a kid, I couldn’t understand why the LGBT community received so much hate. When the church condemned them, I couldn’t see a good reason why. 

With that said, I was still fearful of questioning my sexuality because of all the stigma/stereotypes. When I think about it, all of my favorite childhood shows had one common theme: a big secret had to be kept at all costs. If the secret was out, lives could be ruined. I learned why I was drawn to this trope, when I entered adulthood. I had the same internal conflict. But after several months of going back and forth, I finally accepted that I wasn’t straight.

In doing so, something magical happened within me. I began to unlock dormant desires, skills, and talents; that I suppressed as a child out of fear. I thank God for pushing me to question my sexuality early on in life. It stopped me from making unfruitful decisions. In addition to this, I thank Holy Trinity for revealing to me that being LGBTQ isn’t a sin. (Yes you read that right. I have more revelations and explanation’s I’ll share later).

It’s the only reason I walk with the assurance I have. And it’s why I’m confident about coming out and expressing my uniqueness.



Sunset and crossKnowing The Holy Trinity

In a world filled with countless religions, I feel blessed to know the Holy Trinity. They’ve guided me throughout my life, helping me to make the best choices, season after season. To the point where some individuals think I’m perfect. But I don’t feel that way at all; I have much more growing/healing to do.

I’m partially ashamed to admit that I had times when I questioned their existence. Typically, these were moments in my life when everything was falling apart. But when I started questioning their existence, They reminded me of all the miracles I’ve received. And miracles I’ve witnessed in my loved one’s lives. I have a loved one who couldn’t afford a lawyer so they represented themselves in court, and God helped them to win. I have loved ones who were told they wouldn’t survive another week. But God gave them many more years. Also, I grew to have many testimonies of my own.

It’s truly remarkable how I went from reading the Word to living it. I treated The Holy Bible like a storybook as a kid, but it’s become my guidebook as an adult. 

I’ve found enormous serenity by obeying the instructions that the Holy Trinity has given me. I’m on track to have a great future. 



Tree of LifeMy Life

When I was young, I was always excited about my future. That was until I entered a season where every fiber of my being, everything I loved, was destroyed to some capacity. It got so bad that I cursed the day I was born and some nights, I would go to sleep praying to wake up in Heaven. 

But to my surprise, I made it through the darkest years of my existence. And I’m reconnecting with the many things I love about life: adventure, action, mystery, thrill, etc.

Those dark seasons made me more adaptable, resilient, and patient. I can encourage people better because I know what it’s like to suffer. And I can empower them when I show a life beyond loss and lack. 


Last but not least…


Hope in the darkGrateful Hope Is Alive

I’ve experienced many years where my belief and faith in the Holy Trinity wasn’t enough to keep me going. I thought Hope was dead because I was up against some major obstacles. The trials of life felt like they would never end, and I increasingly doubted that I would ever win.

Finding encouragement from my religion became near impossible; false pastors/prophets created confusion and hopelessness. Which at times detoured me from seeking God. Also, not all of the Bible is inspired by God. Some parts are purely from the hearts of man. So, I’m not claiming it’s flawless; there are obvious signs of biases and bigotry from some writers. Some translations of the Bible should not exist because those with hidden agendas crafted them. (I’ll expand on this topic in a future post.)

Despite this, I’m in a headspace where I realize Hope is eternal. I’m transmuting everything misfortunes I endured to bless someone else. Regardless of the darkness I endure, there will always be a glimmer of light that leads me to brighter days.



All in all, these are the things that I am grateful for. And you know what? I took a second nap while writing this, and I woke up feeling better than before. This proves life gets better when we don’t give up on it.