There are some Christians who declare the “gays” aka the LGBTQ community is evil. Strangely, despite hearing a lot of anti-lgbt rhetoric in the church, I never believed God hated them. I firmly believed they were wrong about their judgments towards gay people. However, my belief waivered when I started to question my own sexuality. When I finally accepted that I wasn’t straight, every homophobic slur/misconception/misperception, suddenly applied to me. In that stage of my life, things were going downhill, so I started to fear that I was evil.
I fasted and tried to pray the gay away. But it never left. Why? Because turns out, it’s not evil at all. In time, God proved to me that being gay isn’t a sin. Although, this revelation felt too good to be true. I needed more confirmation. And I received it. Then I wanted more confirmation. And I received it. Then I wanted more confirmation! And I received it. (Thankfully, God kept providing and was very patient.)
Years ago, God brought to my attention that there are many countries that are LGBTQ friendly states and countries. And just weeks ago, God put it on heart to search LGBTQ friendly churches. I was so surprised to see that there are thousands, if not millions of believers who already know God loves and accepts the LGBTQ community.
For awhile, I was comfortable with my sexuality – until this year. It’s been one of the most sorrowful chapters of my entire life. All I could think was, where did I go wrong? For the first time ever, I struggled to hear the Holy Spirit. Which made me look for answers online. Needless to say, I came across a lot of homophobic rhetoric from religious and spiritual people.
And since I wasn’t where I wanted to be in life, I backslid on what God told me, and started to believe their lies. But within a few days, God exposed false prophets. These were the same people I started to believe when they said being gay is wrong. With this revelation, I started to stand firm on what God has taught me, and I ignored everything else I heard.
Until… December 22nd, I had an extreme spiritual attack that made me question everything God told me. My mind couldn’t recall the revelations God gave me, they were all a blur. Hell played on my biggest fear. Leading God’s children astray. This is the biggest reason why I’ve never been quick to share the gospel, I’ve always wanted to have answers to people’s biggest questions. But, the enemy made me question if my answers actually came from Heaven.
Strangely enough, yesterday December 23rd, I saw an attractive guy and I was like wow! And in my head, I heard “being Gay is good”. And that made me smile. Seconds later, there was a road closed off that I normally use to get to the grocery store. I was forced to make a left turn. And on this street, I looked to my right, and I saw a pride flag hanging in the window. I immediately pulled to the side and took a picture. This little confirmation from Heaven reminded me that no matter how much the enemy tries to block me, I am always on the correct path.
Moments after this event, I came up with the idea of making this blog post. The first thing I thought of was the title. And when I sat down today to write, everything poured out of me effortlessly.
Truth be told, this entire month I haven’t been the most joyful because I didn’t get the gift I long wanted. But days ago, I finally realized my relationship with the Holy Trinity is the greatest gift of all. When Hell rose up against me, God came to my defense.
Even when I questioned His love, grace, mercy and character, He never turned me away. God has been so patient and kind to me, no matter how many times I gave into doubt, distrust and disbelief. And part of the reason why God shows me so much mercy and grace is because my purpose is connected to millions of people. (Particularly the gays) And in order for me to thrive, I must help us to thrive.
Starting with, offering more revelations…
Let’s once again talk about Adam and Eve. Many people claim it is God’s desire for every man to have a woman and vice versa. False. How do I know that? Because nowhere in the book of Genesis does it show God making the ratio of men to women equal.
In order for every man to have a woman, Eve would have needed to give birth to a boy and a girl and the cycle would need to repeat. But instead, we see that the numbers vary. Even today, there is not an equal ratio of men to women. Especially if we factor in age gaps, language barriers, culture barriers, and location, that makes it even more impossible for it to be an even split. So, it only makes sense that a portion of the population is made gay, to ensure no one is alone.
Furthermore, the reason why you don’t see many love stories in the old testament is because procreation was the top priority. Which means, many people were not in happy relationships. Looking for love was a luxury they didn’t have. Nevertheless, it was always God’s desire for humanity to get back to Eden. (Since the earth is well populated, procreation is no longer strongly inforced).
The Holy Trinity has revealed to me many verses in the book of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Micah that speaks to a hopeful and futuristic world. And when we look around, life isn’t as bad as it was during the biblical days. There’s new inventions, innovations, and creations that have made life more easier/enjoyable. And in order to keep going in a positive direction, many falsehoods must be torn down. Gender norms and societal norms come to mind the most.
Many people are forsaking their God given purpose because they’re afraid to go against tradition. They are worried that if they go against the crowd, they will made an outcast. Well, there’s one group who knows all to well about being an outcast — the gays.
Because much of the world has villainized us at every turn, it gave us the unique opportunity to be our true self.
And if we examine scripture, there was a man in the Bible who didn’t mind being kind, empathetic, compassionate and sensitive. He didn’t strive to appear macho, cold-hearted or tough. And His name is – Jesus. He even taught His disciples to be separate from the world, and be who God designed them to be.
But unfortunately, many of the qualities Jesus embodied are deemed “girly ”, even by some Christian men. So, if Christian men struggle to embody Jesus, then who will?
Enter the gays.
Much of the community has found immense joy in being themselves. To the extent where some straight men envy the gays. Even they are growing more aware, that gender norms are hindering them from going after everything they desire.
It was only recently when I realized, anyone who constantly policies everyone else’s self-expression, lives a miserable life. Such people are exposing their inner dialogue. They’re hatred and rage they project on us, shows how much they actually hate themselves. They are constantly trying to uphold every gender norm, in fear of being mistreated.
Fortunately, Jesus’ life purpose was to set the captives free. And He taught His followers to do the same. And I believe the more people accept the uniqueness of my community, the more they will accept the uniqueness of everyone else. Which will lead to more people fulfilling their purpose as Holy Trinity intended. And this is why Gays are loved by God. No matter how many world leaders, religious leaders, or lawmakers try to banish us, us gays keep winning against all odds.