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Fast Facts (About M.O)

  • Post category:Autobio
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  • Reading time:5 mins read


Since I’m new to the internet, I figured I would offer some fast facts about me.

Starting with…

Gender? Male 


Birthday? Feb 28, 2000

(I’m currently 124 years old — Or at least it feels that way.)

Height? 6 foot 3

(I know, I’m short. I’m praying to grow taller.

Ethnicity? Person of color

(I plan to do an ancestry test soon!)

Sexuality? Demi-sexual

(What is that? Eh, just know that I’m LGBTQ)

Relationship Status? It’s complicated…

(Joking, I’m single)

Beliefs? Believer in the Holy Trinity

(Now and forever)

Political affiliation? I’m an independent progressive. 

(I like many progressive ideas, but not all. My vision for the future can only be accomplished with those who think outside the box and want to move beyond the current paradigm.)

Character traits? Adaptable, Ambitious, Creative, Curious, Disciplined, Honorable, Persistent, Trustworthy, Loyal

(As of today, December 1, 2024)

Desire: Find good friends and business partners

(with similar character traits)

Introvert or Extrovert: Neither! I’m an ambivert.

(Yes its a real word)


As a kid, I always wanted to have superpowers.

As a young adult, I realized I already have them!

Fast Colorful Blast

Here are my three superpowers:

3) Empathy

Throughout my life, I have sensed how someone is feeling and anticipated their outward expression. To me, I assumed everyone had this ability. But it turns out that not everyone does. In fact, some people don’t even know how to pick up on social cues.

So, this gives me an advantage because I am super emotionally aware. For over a decade, I’ve been told that I’m great at giving advice and helping people fast.

On the flipside, it’s a strange place to be when you understand someone emotions better than they do. I considered becoming a psychologist for this reason alone.

2) Transmuting

No matter the darkness I witness or experience, I’m able to turn it into light. I’ve had many days where I endured undesirable circumstances, yet every time, it didn’t destroy me. Because I was able to immediately think of something good that could come from it. This is where my innovator/inventor mind thrives. Whenever I encounter a problem, it’s not long until I come up with a solution for it. (Which is why I sit on dozens of business ideas that I’ll soon enact)

1) Creativity

Now this is a superpower I don’t take for granted at all. This is where I experience the utmost joy, pleasure, and excitement. I never need to look for inspiration, it flows naturally and fast. Nothing else in this world heals me more than my creativity. It’s the friend that has restored me the most when I was at my lowest.

My creative works are my children. They favor me but also take on a life of their own. It’s tempting to keep them to myself. But, I know they’re meant to help the masses. Small-scale creativity is fun, but I have my eyes set on doing bigger things. I’m too tall to be put in someone’s tiny box. 

I will be and create everything I desire, whether the masses approve or not.