Blue skies and rainbow LGBTQ I’m a proud member of the LGBTQ community — since 2020.

Over the years I have encountered a lot of harmful rhetoric from the religious to the spiritual. Many people are debating whether its moral or not to be gay.

The answer is YES.

I have many new realizations and revelations, that will put these endless debates to a rest for once and for all.

Also, I’ve noticed many contradictions and hypocrisies that need to brought into the light. For instance, some religious men claim men loving men is an abomination and claim the proof is in the Bible. Yet, these same men will read the teachings of Jesus, and read how He respected women. Then say to themselves: I don’t need to do that. I can be mentally, physically, and emotionally abusive to women, even my wife.

That’s insane! Since these men don’t know how to treat women after reading Jesus teachings. We shouldn’t trust their opinions of the LGBTQ community.

For those of us who are spiritual we must look to those who bear the fruits of the spirit. Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Patience, Goodness, Self-control, and Faithfulness. Even those who aren’t spiritual, these are the qualities we all should look for in a leader.

These qualities are the ones Holy Trinity has refined me to have. If you want to read about my spiritual journey, here is a good place to start.